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Photoshop Fire Background Action

Photoshop Fire Background Action

  • Title: Photoshop Fire Background Action

    Category: Backgrounds

    filetype: ATN

    file size: 2.8 kb

    author: GuyDub

  • Description:

    This free Photoshop action generates a fire background using Photoshop filters like Clouds for example. The ATN file contains 3 different realistic fire actions that can be used for creating fire wallpapers or fire textures. The action has one fault though, it only generates an 800x800 size image, but if you have basic Photoshop knowledge you can easily modify/edit the action.

    If you don't want to use Photoshop, you can easily add fire effects to any photo using a simple online tool like MockoFun. This tool offers an editable template that makes free fire editing photo very easy to do. Quick tip: if you want to generate cool a cool fire effect, you can use cloud PNG images and apply a fire gradient map to them.

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Tags: background

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